Selling at the Top, Middle, or Bottom of Any Market – E-BOOK



33 Insider Secrets For Selling More New Homes In Any Economy
Including Condominiums, Resort Properties, and New Homes!

How do you maximize your performance when the housing market is flourishing … and what do you do to hit your quota during an economic slowdown? In this e-book, industry expert John A. Palumbo shows you how to move into the top tier of new home sales professionals: those who reliably and predictably close sales in the good markets, the bad markets, and the downright ugly markets.

Yes, some people will hit quota during the good times based mostly on their own enthusiasm. But you know what? They’re still not performing up to their potential, because those sales, typically, are driven by the market.Others, though, always seem to meet or beat their quota, no matter what the rest of the economy is doing. If that second group, the group of the true masters, is where you want to be, you need this e-book!